"Weekly Challenge" January 2022

Week Beginning January 30, 2022
Perform Random Acts of Kindness
A random act of kindness is an action performed for someone–usually a stranger–for the sole purpose of making them happy. The person performing the act does not expect reciprocation. These acts are generally not planned, nor are they anticipated. This week, seek an opportunity to show your love with a random act of kindness.
Reach Out
Week Beginning January 23, 2022
Reach Out
This week, your challenge is to reach out. Try to establish genuine connections with people. There are many ways we can accomplish good works just by making contact. Listed below are ten suggestions.
  • Perhaps you have a neighbor who is unable to leave their apartment or a relative who lives alone. Check on them. If they don’t have any immediate physical needs, spend some time talking with them. A friendly visit can go far in combatting loneliness.
  • If you have a friend or coworker who has been feeling down, help to lift their spirits. “Let each of us please our neighbor for the good, for building up” (Romans 15:2). Remember that blowing out someone else’s candle does not make yours shine any brighter. Be nice, be helpful, be positive. Encourage them to use their God-given talents to shine.
  • “Welcome one another, then, as Christ welcomed you, for the glory of God” (Romans 15:7). Do you have newcomers in your community? Take the time to get to know them and make them feel at home.
  • Check on children and teenagers in your extended family. Serving as a positive role model or lending a fresh perspective may be just what they need to foster their development. Young people are often unaware how large their support networks actually are. Don’t be afraid to show them they can count on you for help.
  • Reconnect with a former acquaintance. Today, it is very easy to locate old friends. Even if you no longer have things in common, it may be fun to reminisce. If applicable, clear up any long-harboring misunderstandings, or let them know that you always admired them. Kind words from an unexpected source can help to inspire others.
  • Approach someone who might not be able to initiate visits. Consider contacting residents in a nursing home, prison, hospital, nursery, military base, or other institution. Spend time with someone who may have difficulty communicating (such as someone with dementia or learning disabilities). Talking is only one way to reach out. Challenge yourself to find other forms of communication.
  • Schedule a date night with your spouse, plan an outing with some friends, or host a family gathering. In our busy lives, it is too easy to take our loved ones for granted. Carve out some time together free of distractions.
  • Check on your clergy to see if they need support. “Ordinary Time” is a great time to catch up.
  • Spread some cheer to strangers. Hold a door open for someone with a stroller. Let someone with a cane cut in front of you on the grocery line. Offer your seat on the train or bus to someone who needs it more than you do. Or, just smile.
  • Don’t forget to reach out to God! Set aside some time for special, private prayer.
Week Beginning January 16, 2022
Practice Patience
“Love is patient, love is kind” (1 Corinthians 13:4). One way to show our love for others is by practicing patience. Allowing people the time they need is a simple way to demonstrate that we care enough about them to wait.
When our initial inclination is to react poorly to something, patience gives us an opportunity to reflect on the situation, collect our thoughts, and control our emotions. Patience preserves relationships by preventing us from saying or doing something impulsive that we cannot take back. Patience is the capital virtue that protects against wrath.
The calm and peace that comes from being patient can lead us to make thoughtful decisions. Patience helps us to strengthen our persistence, maintain a positive outlook, and achieve our goals.
If you find yourself getting frustrated this week as you endure your trials, pause for a moment. Take a deep breath, view another perspective, and try to persevere with a smile. Remember that God only allows our suffering to bring about a greater good. Keep the faith, and good things will come to those who wait.
Week Beginning January 9, 2022
Do Small Things with Great Love
Mother Teresa famously said: “We cannot all do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”
Your challenge this week is to incorporate a loving purpose into your daily activities. Love can give great meaning to small actions. It can transform a simple gesture into something beautiful for God and for others. As you complete your seemingly mundane tasks this week, think about your motivation behind those chores. Try to work with joy and recognize how your actions can be driven by love.
Challenge yourself further by making an effort to do extra little things that demonstrate your love. Smile and compliment others. Offer help to someone in need. Reach out to someone who may be lonely. Sometimes your loving presence can be the greatest present of all.
Door With Epiphany Blessing
Week Beginning January 2, 2022
Bless Your Home
This week, we celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord. This Solemnity marks the revelation of God and His love to everyone far and wide through the birth of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. We recall the time the Magi followed the star of Bethlehem to visit the newborn baby Jesus and present him with gifts and praise. 
To commemorate the significance of that blessed event and share in its glory, you are invited this week to make your home a sacred space with an Epiphany blessing. This tradition places God at the entrance to your living space, thus placing you and your family under His protection.
The chalk inscription begins and ends with numbers to represent the current year. The letters C + M + B in the center of the inscription both represent the names of the Magi (Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar) and the Latin phrase Christus mansem benedicat (may Christ bless this house). The plus symbols unite everything together and represent the cross. This marking on the lintel of your main entrance is a reminder that you are walking into God’s blessing and provision for your family every day throughout the year. The light of Christ was able to shine in the darkest places of the world for all to see over two thousand years ago.  So, too, can the light of Christ shine in our homes and in our hearts today and always.
If your Church does not provide information on how to bless your home, please refer to these helpful on-line guides for simple instructions:
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