Daily Dedications

The new year draws to mind our tradition of making resolutions. This month, we explore the simple and meaningful resolution to “praise God for the grace and mercy that fill our days.” The Church dedicates a different spiritual theme for each day of the week. Our time is a sacred gift, and every day has a special significance. These daily devotions provide a routine for contemplation designed to direct us toward the Lord and progress spiritually throughout the year.

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Theological Virtues

Our Christian teaching supplements the four cardinal virtues with the three theological virtues of faith, hope, and charity (or love). These theological virtues elevate and perfect our habits, thus directing us toward the supernatural happiness that can only be achieved by our union with God. Theological virtues are infused in our souls through God’s gift of sanctifying grace.

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Overcoming Vice

In the spiritual battle of good versus evil, virtue is our armor to guard against the temptation of vice. Virtues are rooted in the healthy habits that allow us to readily discern and freely seek that which is good. While virtuous habits promote our disposition of love, habits of vice demonstrate our failure to love.

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